Let's Design Architecture Can Take The Stress And Time Out OF Getting Your Planning Permission

Locally based in Suffolk, UK, with the right contacts within East Suffolk Council (previously Suffolk Coastal DC) and Babergh & Mid Suffolk District Councils, Let's Design Architecture Limited can make the planning application process run as smoothly as possible.

To discuss your requirements and to make a planning application, call today on 01449 616678 or 07747 426260

Top tips for GETTING planning PERMISSION

1.       Allow plenty of time

A lot of people go straight to a builder and schedule them in, not realising how long the planning process is going to take. As a rule of thumb, allow 1-2 months for the measured survey and preparation of architectural drawings / design work. Once the planning application has been submitted, this will take a minimum of 8 weeks to process and obtain a decision.

2.       Check whether you need planning permission

The government’s Planning Portal website provides helpful information on Permitted Development rights - you might be surprised what you are allowed to do without permission, but it is always best to check with the council or a consultant just in case.

3.       Provide the correct information

When an application is submitted it goes through a ‘validation’ process. If you haven’t provided all the information required for the type of application you are making, it will get sent back to you and this will delay your plans even further. You will need plans which are to the correct scale. Let’s Design Architecture is highly experienced in providing architectural drawings specifically for this purpose.

4.       Don’t start works without planning permission

Trying to obtain retrospective permission can cause headaches and unnecessary stress. You may have heard horror stories of people having to take down their buildings as they were not permitted. Don’t let this happen to you!

5.       Get your neighbours on board

If you are planning a build which might affect your immediate neighbours, let them know what you are hoping to do, ask them what they think and how you can design it to ensure that it has minimal impact on them. Neighbours who have been approached are much less likely to submit objections and are happier to sign Party Wall agreements. The planning department will notify them of your proposals regardless, so it is much better if you are upfront with them.

6.       Appoint Let’s Design Architecture!

Seriously! It is best to appoint a consultant who has experience and knows what information is required for the planning application, as well as being able to provide a great design which works well and even exceeds your expectations.