CAD Drawing

Block plans

Two new build houses - preparation for planning application. 


Today I’ve been working up a block plan to show my Clients their proposals in 3D. They wanted to know whether the two new build properties had enough space between them, to make sure the bungalow wasn’t being overshadowed by the house. The basic 3D model helped visually to convey the context of the site. They found them really useful. 



Late night at the office


I’ve been working very hard today, finishing off as many projects as I can before the weekend. I’ve completed two building regulations projects this week, drawn up a survey, done a little bit of design work and met some new people. Now working on another building regs project, it’s all go!

I looked up behind my screen to notice the beautiful, dramatic sky outside so took a quick break to rest my eyes. I have a lovely view from here in the late afternoons and early evenings, with the local church visible in the distance.

Have a good weekend all!